
Founded 1903


Club Officers 2024

Chairperson: Tony McEntee
Assistant Chairperson: Richard O’Connor
Secretary: Gavin Coyle
Assistant Secretary: Cecil Brennan
Treasurer: TBC
Assistant Treasurer: TBC
Public Relations Officers: Alan O’Connor (0834448679) & Ivan Keogh
Minor Chairperson/Secretary: Tommy O’Connor
Juvenile Chairperson: Joe Doyle
Juvenile Secretary: Paddy Sweeney
LGFA Secretary: Clare O’Connor
LGFA Assistant Secretary: Madeline Mahon
Irish Officer: Paul O’Connor
Delegates to County Board: Mick Kelly, Cormac Keogh, Sean Joyce
Children/Youth Officers: Lisa Burke and Neil Shortall
Safety Officer: Richard O’Connor
Gate Vouchers: Denis Kelly
Insurance Officer: Joe Webb
Membership/Registration Officers: Mark Phelan & Madeline Mahon
Players’ Rep: Conor Joyce
I.T. Officer: Joe Dowling
Club Teams Coaching Officer: Stephen Morgan
Schools Liaison Officer: Michael Weldon
Community Liaison Officer: Padraic O’Dowd
Healthy Club Officer: Hannah Keogh & Amy Battersby
Designated Child Protection Officers: TBC
Advertising Officer: Cecil Brennan
First Team Manager: TBC
Trustees: John Keogh, Anthony Battersby, Gerry Duffy
Presidents: Gerry Duffy, Fr Kevin Heery, John Hogan, Michael Kelly, John Keogh, Tom Lynch, Packie Mulvaney, Frankie O’Connor, Patsy Swan, Michael Weldon.

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